How I run my business around two small children

Let’s be honest, small children don’t have an awareness of your time. They don’t know or understand when you need to work, or why you work or what you’re up to behind that laptop/desk/sketchbook. And since I am the main care provider for my little ones I have to be flexible.

I’ve built my creative business up since having my children. Here are a few of the ways I try to make it work.

First up a disclaimer - don’t think that this is/has been easy. Working around children can be very hard! Especially if they are not good sleepers (like both of mine). But, with some creative thinking and self-acceptance, it can be done.

  1. Be flexible: You might have a schedule in mind but little ones have their own internal routines/chaos! I find that if I take the kids out in the morning for a run around and give them some fresh air, I’m more likely to have a relaxed afternoon. It’s not guaranteed but it doesn't often help to set the day up. Plus I really benefit from some exercise and fresh air to start my day.

  2. Plan out your actionable items for the next day: I used to have a to-do list, but this just became insurmountable and therefore anxiety inducing! So I now have a set of actionable items for each day. I break it down and ask myself “What do I want to achieve today? What one thing do I want to action?” Everything else becomes a task to fit in and around that one actionable item. If I achieve that one item, then I’m one step closer to achieving my dream.

  3. Be prepared to work out of hours: I rarely do anything in “office hours”. Some days I have to wait until the kids are asleep and work in the evening. Sometimes I have to work at the weekend. I have a few late nights a week because my kids are still small and I don’t have full days to work. It’s not a long term plan, but if you can do a couple nights a week while they’re small then it helps to get the hours in. I also don’t really watch tv or go out much right now because I’m trying to establish my business. I know this won’t be forever.

  4. Work all over the house! I have a little office/studio space where I work and this is amazing for me when I get the chance to be there. However, it is not necessary and not always possible, to work there. I often work from the sofa, in bed and on the floor within reach of the kids.

  5. Give the kids some focused quality time: Encouraging kids to play independently can be hard. I find that if you give them some quality play time for 10 mins then it keeps them going for a little while. Sometimes this works and I get 30 mins to finish a task before they need me again. It’s something I do throughout the day.

  6. Ask for help! Do not feel guilty for asking for help (this is something I am still working on!) I ask for extra help when my workload gets too much. At the weekend I try to get help from my partner to take them to a class/out for a morning. If you have family or friends who can help then take it. I get one day a week when my Mum has my kids and that is the most productive day for me.

  7. Accept that your house will be a mess: One thing my Mum said to me when I had my first child was “Don’t spend all your time cleaning and tidying the house. Just enjoy being with the kids, it goes so fast”. I am someone who struggles to work in a messy house, but I have been working on it because frankly, I don’t have enough hours in my life to clean, tidy, establish a business and be with the kids. If you can afford to outsource tasks then do! I try to do certain essentials at certain times of the week because the routine helps me keep on top of it. The rest - I have to let it go!

  8. Don't cook every night (unless you really want to) I try to batch cook, I use the air fryer because it’s super quick and I don’t cook from scratch very often. The slow cooker is great for making healthy easy food. Take the pressure off and allow yourself to make simple meals.

  9. Work alongside the kids where you can: If you’re going on an inspiration walk then take the kids with you - let them share their ideas and join in. When I make a new set of cards I often get my kids involved in designing and making cards too. They love feeling part of my world and I love getting that time with them.

  10. Be kind to yourself and remember your path: Your progress will likely be slower and that can feel frustrating. But just keep doing one thing each day and you will make consistent progress. Keeping your ambitions in line with your time allowance helps - not easy when you have big dreams and know you can do so much! But you will keep moving forward if you just keep going , one small step at a time.

  11. Don’t compare yourself to others: It’s easy to feel deflated when you see how much other’s are achieving. Try to remember your own journey is unique to you and your circumstances. Usually you don’t have the full picture of someone else’s life, and comparing them to you isn’t helpful or realistic. Look back at all the things you have achieved so far - you’ll be amazed how far you’ve come!

    Working around the children is not easy. So be kind to yourself - it’s very usual for there to be tears from everyone in this house! However, with persistence and consistency it can work - and for me, it’s SO worth it. Because I am building my dream. My kids see that and I know that they will be inspired by it too.

    If you have any other tips that could be added to this list let me know!


From bugs to butterflies